^_^ Welcome to My Life ^_^

The past cannot be changed,
the future is still in your power
~ Huge White ~

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


OOOOOOO noooooooooo.....Etha bha ney!!!! welcome back... tiba2 sy rndu blog sy.setelah skian lma lupa pswd, tba2 bley buka pla td.ooyeaahhhhh....heheheh..
03 March 2013 (new life) :)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

j0m2 upl0aD pic lma...( b0rink bha sy )


I dun n0e why dis sem I felt s0 baD! nerrrv00sss bha maw exam..lagi2 paper dia suma killeeerrrr gilaaaa...h0w can I maintain my p0inter?? pliss help me..: ( even exam ar0unD de c0rner, still hve chance 2 nj0y.mantaappp....smbil2 stdy wif my frenD, stiLL hve tym 2 play "daun terup". best n menyer0n0kkan : ) nj0y n can release tensi0n.Dis sem 0s0 I think, we're m0re cl0se wif 0ur classmate.stdy,eat,play n wat s0 ever 0wez 2gether. btw, I still n0t prepare 0r get ready 2 take exam..dun n0e y??? hurrmmmm......

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

busy day.......

ney kali lh bz btul2...bs0k da test arab ( imla & quiz )..imla pling tkut ney tp pa pun finance jga plg MANANG!! test yg xda backup test bha.s0, msti struggle punya..OGA msti sc0re !! y0u can d0 it bha LOBITAH....hehe...nice!! lusa test law of agency.ckit jak bha 2 kn..hehe...ehmmm,ckap sal love2 ney,hurmmm actually,n0 commitment bha.langsung xda feeling bha maw love2 ney.too hard 2 fall in love wif s0me0ne.better think 2 study first,right?? hehe.....peace n0 war!!!

he believes what he says....yeaahh mmg dia.cheeerrrssss.....

When he says he’s sorry and he’ll never hit you again, he means it. He really believes it with all his heart. That’s why he’s so charismatic and believable. He means it when he says he loves you and he’s agonizingly sorry for what he’s done. You aren’t stupid for falling for his promises that it will never happen again. He falls for them too. He really truly believes those promises will be kept. That’s part of his anger later, he knows how much he wanted it to be true.

what does " I LOVE YOU " mean??? what lh knun??

It is not enough to tell someone you love them on a regular basis if there is no passion and fire behind the statement. We often say the words, “I love you” without really feeling the meaning of them. Yeah we know the words mean, ”You matter to me… I care about what happens to you…. I think you’re pretty cool.” But there is so much more to it then that. When we are first falling in love, we think about the ideas of what that means. We analyze the relationship and each other. We really look at what is developing and we evaluate whether or not it is safe to say those three little words. It is a big deal to make the decision to say it to someone else. How will they receive it? Do they feel the same way? Will they say, “I love you, too” or will they mumble something about having a meeting they forgot about? After the relationship is going along successfully, we forget to really think about what it means to still be saying, “I love you” to the other person.

my l0vely siblings

wOwww...aiseeehhhmennn.....cute2.hehe..pdhal gur0ng0t...cheerssss...luv n miss them s0 much,much,much....( ^_^ )

FEAR OF REJECTION..helloooooooo guyssss...hehehe...

Getting the nerve up to ask someone to go out with you can be very difficult. There are a lot more reasons to be afraid than there are for being brave. Many of us have self-esteem issues firmly rooted in our childhood stories that hold us frozen and afraid to really reach out to others. Our parents, siblings, or neighborhood friends taught us that we were less than beautiful, that we are not clever enough, wealthy enough, or likable enough. A string of broken hearts and failed relationships can only add to the fear that perhaps those people were right and we really are not all that lovable. But oh, how our souls long for someone to love who will love us back, forever.

If you've read the divorce statistics then you might believe that most relationships are bound to fail. In spite of this, you have the power to keep your relationship together. Possibly one of the best ways your relationship can not succeed is if you believe that failure is an option. For many people, they say that they simply fell out of love. Well here are some ways to avoid falling out of love and to keep your relationship together.

One principal factor to bear in mind is that your relationship is not like a movie. There has been an association between breakup rates and the demand for more personal satisfaction in life. People were content with less fifty years ago, and so relationships lasted. It is important that we go back to that time when people were comfortable with less. You don't have to lower your standards but change them to be more practical.

Life is not a movie, and you cannot count on your partner to play the role of a leading lady or man. The quickest way to experience falling out of love is to go into relationship with unrealistic expectations. No less than one hundred percent must be given with the expectation of fifty percent in return. If your partner does the same, then you will be in a win-win situation.

Even though you are not a fictional Hollywood character, it is still essential to avoid falling out of love by keeping the romance alive. Do not permit yourself to fall into a long slump. Instead, make dinner plans weekly, if possible, or bi weekly if you cannot do it every week. At dinner, make sure to discuss things that interest both of you, not just pleasantries. If you see some things differently don't worry. In fact, the passion of arguing can often times keep the romance alive for some people. So make plans and be romantic. Bring your wife a rose at work or draw your husband a warm bath.

Part of life is experiencing highs and lows. During your life you will experience emotional highs and lows. The key to surviving the valleys and not experiencing falling out of love is to appreciate that you are in for a mountain top experience soon. Remember, valleys are meant to be traveled through, not stayed in. When you find yourself in a valley take action to get out of it. Work at your relationship and you can avoid the feeling that you fell out of love.Relationship repair is possible. Even though it can be truly heartbreaking to feel that you have fell out of love, the truth is that relationships take work. Find out how to keep yours together.

breAkinG Up wiTh h0n0r.....

bjiwang dlu kita bha...

I wish I could say that all relationships turn into ‘happily ever after’ but that’s just not true. Sometimes you work really hard at making a relationship move forward and it just does not have that special spark of magic needed to make it over the long haul. Other times, you got into the relationship for all the wrong reasons and now it’s time to bail out before you really hurt the other person. Nobody can really help you make the decision to stay or to go. You know in your deepest heart of hearts if the person you are involved with is good for you or not. You know whether or not you really love them or just want to love them. Nobody can make you fall in love, not even you. It happens or it doesn’t… so for the sake of this article, let’s assume that you are in that place where you have made the tough decision and you are going to end the relationship you are currently involved in. How do you make it as painless as possible for both of you?????? ask ur self 1st...sincere ok??

here i c0me..meys,meys,meys u.....

wowww...l0ng time no updated my blog...n0w i'm 21 years olD.freed0m..!! yeahhhh...ehehhehe..terlalu-lalu meys sma my blog smpai tlupa-lupa bha psw0rd dia..ehhehhe..dis sem trlalu sgat2 bz i felt o0.d mna assgnmntnya, mna testnya, quiznya..huhuhu..matai na kita.exam pun will c0ming s00n.w0www...saya takutttttt o0000oooooo.........:( tp bz2 pun still dpat meluangkn msa ikut sp0rts.dis week ikut supermits n next week KARKOL...tba2 ney knun maw aktf2 sukan.apa ka sbbnya?? hahahha..maw kurus sbb blemak sudh bmalas2 d h0stel tdur jak kja kn.2lhh..pewwitttt, pdhal x jga pndai kurus2, tmbah bulat@babat ada lh..

Monday, October 11, 2010

frenD 0h fwens...

A gud frend do not necessarily do all things 4 ur frend, but juz en0ugh 2 try understand who ur frenD...n0t every1 is perfect 2 be a gud fren but we can strive 2 bec0me a GUD FREND!..A gud frenD d0es not mean we magnify 0ur frenD by telling their wealth,kindness, beauty 0r simply c0ver de excess but en0ugh 2 c0ver their weakness in fr0nt 0f public..sincerity n h0nesty is a key pillar in ur frienship.s0metym, a gud frenD will mybe be ur enemies but enemies usually enD up being a gud frenD.THINK IT!!!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I am getting fatter.....( ^ _ ^ )

w0w!!!!..dun like but wat can i d0?? I AM GETTING FATTER!! h0w 2 l0se weight arh?? wan 2 diet but can't c0ntr0l my appetite.o0o g0D, pls help me....fr0m 45kg - 47.5kg. EAT, EAT, EAT...we eat as long we can eat.." makan selagi boleh "...dun care b0ut de it right??ahhahahha....maybe but in heart, too much w0rry b0ut 0besity. Whether I am fat?? "palis2, jauh2 ".....shhhhh....ehhehehhe...a fat pers0n sh0w they happy in their life..isn't it??hehehhe....shalalalalal..shalalala..shalalala..shalalala...

Sunday, October 3, 2010

tireD n sleepy..

n0t believeD I w0ke up early dis m0nink, alth0ugh sleepinG late add-reinf0rceD, 0n dis day 0ff.w0w!!!!...want 2 c0nt my sleeping, while waitinG 4 my frenDz back h0steL.2Day's lazy 2 wan 2 go any way...stiLL felt tireD yesterDay! bye bl0g.misz n l0ve 'u' s0 much..dadaddadada~~~~~

parD0n me....

I hateD her, but because of what??I never have any pr0blem with her b4 dis.myB after wat happeneD wif my fren, I began 2 hate her....Alth0ugh they were kinD en0ugh, I stiLL d0 n0t like 2 hear her name.s0rry fren bc0z hate ur bestfrenZ..but I can't accept her as my fren again.I neeD tym 2 c0mf0rtable wif her again.Let de tym 2 s0ften my heart 4 her.m0st imp0rtant, dun f0rce me 2 like her bc0z it makes me hate her m0re..( tiba2 teringat )

suDDenly I l0nged 4 sme1...

wHy i d0 stiLL remember him? but,he is 0nly my past,n0w is my future with0ut him..juz r mem0ries 0f him.very difficult 2 f0rget its!.....try,try n try..Finally, I have f0rg0tten all 0f my feelings wif him..0O0o yeah, I LIKE IT!!! new life, I have a frenz wh0 really kn0cked my head ab0ut de meaning 0f life.I reaLLy respect her,alth0ugh smetmes 0ther pe0ple juDge by perceived bad, but I respect her d0es n0t waver bc0z I kn0w wh0 she is.Back stab each 0ther best fren is 1 thing I disLike m0st in 0ur frienDship.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


I love them as r fwens 0nly.I'm wr0ng bc0z gve them h0pe ab0ut l0ve but i really can't 4getz my past. t00 harD 2 finD new l0ve n delete him fr0m my mem0ries......n t00 saD when we faLL in l0ve wif s0me1 at de 1st sight, but he 0redy has s0me1 special in his life. Is it wr0ng if we h0pe he rply 0ur love 2 him???EXACTLY wr0ng!! dun disturb their relati0nship..n0t gud.but my silence d0esn't mean i 4getz ab0ut him..s0rry, I dun wan cause pain 2 any1. dun wan hurt any1. It's me...make ur life full of happiness bc0z ur life is s0 meaningful.n I 0wez hepi wif my life.n0 u, like me..i misz my FAMILY s0 much.FAMILY is everythinG 4 me.n n0t 4getz 2 my FRIENDS, i l0ve u aLL...respect each 0ther n n0e which 1 0ur privacy n which 1 0ur public make me respect u..I hate BACKSTABBER in 0ur frienDship.never LIKE de type 0f pers0n like dat. In additi0n, I duN like if s0me1 give me "nasihat" in fr0nt 0f public.plisss.... u can see eye 2 eye wif me.

i'm BACK!! 23 sepT 2010

uii, misz my bl0g...l0ng tym n0t update o0.but,i d0n't have idea 2 write dis tym.y???myb feel s0 tired...

Friday, August 6, 2010

0rdy finish my w0rk

huuhuhuhu....s0 tired 2 write an articles.feel s0 sleepy!!!wan 2 sleep 0rdy....miss u aLL......daa~~~~

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


what is scholastic achievements???
dun n0e h0w 2 xplain dis w0rd..''sch0lastic learning and p0lemical divinity retarded the gr0wth 0f all true kn0wledge'' by David Hume...
in others meaning 0f sch0lastic is academic.mean,it also called academic achievements..f0r example....naaaa,n0 idea in my mind...but,h0w malaysians can be better kn0wn internati0nally thr0ugh sch0lastic achievements????....h0w?????help me t0 explain dis statement...n0 idea, n0 idea, n0 idea bc0z i'm n0t in mud t0 STUDY!!!!.....lazy, lazy, lazy..juz its in my mind.s0,h0w can i get idea if i'm s0 lazy???hardw0rking when YOU c0me t0 me??? I still wait ''u''...still h0pe ''u'' c0ming t0 me....let me t0gether with ''u''.....lalalallalal...lallalalala..lallalallalal..lallalalalal...